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Hundredfold Canada

Hundredfold Winterbloom Witch-Hazel Small Tree 5 Seeds - Hamamelis virginiana Ontario Native Shrub, American Witch-Hazel, Snapping Hazelnut

Regular price $12.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 CAD
  • A native under-story tree, blooms are, ornamental & aromatic.
  • The floral display of witch hazel is unique.
  • The nuts are highly sought after by songbirds.
  • First Nations used witch-hazel leaves for tea.

The long-lived witch hazel performs best on moist sites. It tolerates wet soils, pollution, shade, and poor soil. Avoid extremely dry situations. Full sun forms fuller, more symmetrical plants.

Hundredfold Note:

Witch Hazel does not deserve a “witch” in its name. It should be rebranded as golden hazel or Autumn Glory to honor its beautiful fall blooms. An adorable shrub, it was once the dominant understory tree in deciduous forests in Eastern Canada and the USA.

However, it has been out-competed by the European buck-thorn. These Autumn Glory are losing the battle with the aggressive buck-thorn.

If you have children under 18, it is suggested that you plant a few shrubs for educational purposes. It is wonderful to witness the mature fruit burst and shoot out its nuts like a firework. The burst looks like an explosion and sounds like an explosion, but it is completely safe. The nut can fly a few meters away like a bullet. Not many folks would have a chance to enjoy such a free show designed by nature.