Frequently Asked Questions

Do you carry GMO seeds?

Hundredfold does not knowingly carry GMO seeds.

Do you ship seeds and seedlings internationally?

No. We only ship live bio-material within Canada and USA. Most native seeds and seedlings are only shipped within Canada.

What is the vision of Hundredfold Canada?

Hundredfold would like to build a truly sustainable business financially and environmentally. Nature is a delicate system that needs to be stewarded. Resilience increases as biodiversity increases in an ecosystem. While sowing native seeds is our passion, we diversify our products for market uncertainties.

Taking a walk in an Ontario old-growth forest, you won’t miss eastern white pines, which are the tallest trees in the forest. While we admire the magnificent trees, we also grow white pine seedlings. This is what we do for ourselves and for the planet we all share.

What is the source of Hundredfold artworks?

Many people notice Hundredfold displays an abundance of beautiful artworks in various channels. In fact, we have an in-house creative team for art production. At Hundredfold, we deeply believe creativity and productivity go hand-in-hand. In an environment that fosters liberty and arts, everything thrives.

Do you accept Canada e-transfer and how?

Yes. Our e-transfer is auto-deposit. Before e-transferring your payment, please ensure we have your functioning email so we would transfer the money back to you in case things do not go as planned. Products might go missing or not perform as expected. In such cases, we would make sure your payment is properly refunded. Please email us at for an e-transfer.

Why buys from Hundredfold Canada?

Hundredfold is more than a seed company. We carry a wide range of products. Just like nature embraces biodiversity. We embrace business diversity. For us, only product quality matters, the size of a producer does not. Our suppliers are selected from Canada’s Top 100 Corporations, as well as from local farmers with a few acres of land.

At the end of the day, when our customers rejoice with their harvests, our growers receive their payments, and our co-workers put food on the table, your business will be highly appreciated. After all, you help to keep Canadian companies running, bees buzzing and birds chirping.