How to Grow Cucumber, Squash & Melon from Seeds December 9, 2024Cucurbitaceae is a family of plants that includes cucumbers, squashes, and melons, which are annuals (live only within a year) and share similar growing habits. The link below is a brief...
Lotus Seed Germination Guide November 19, 2024It’s essential to file off this outer layer or cut the seed carefully until the cream-colored layer is visible so that the water can penetrate and activate the seed. The...
Tomato, Eggplant, and Pepper Planting Guide for Organic Gardening June 19, 2024Tips to Grow Tomato, Eggplant, and Pepper from Seeds.
Paper Birch, River Birch, and Sweet Birch Betula Germination Guide June 11, 2024As we often received customers' inquiries on how to start birch seeds, we compiled a brief birch growing guide. Please download the PDF file for details.
Watch Button Battery Cross Reference Guide June 7, 2024Click the link below for a detailed silver oxide battery cross reference.
Milkweed Germination Guide by Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center June 7, 2024Here is a link to the detailed milkweed germination guides developed by the University of Texas at Austin. Hundredfold Notes: we raised many milkweeds for nursery stock with a...