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Hundredfold Canada

Green Ash Tree Seedling - Fraxinus pennsylvanica Red Ash, River Ash, Darlington Ash, Canada Native

Regular price $18.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 CAD
  • Leaves turn yellow, then change to purple in autumn
  • Winged seeds attract song and game birds for covers and nesting sites
  • Larval Host: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Hickory Hairstreak, Mourning Cloak, Red-spotted Purple, Viceroy & Tiger Swallowtail
  • Each package contains one 10cm small seedling grown from Ontario native seed
  • Hundredfold is a Canadian trademark since 2017. Good fruits multiply
  • We can't alter the force of nature but can make positive changes. One may lament the loss of ash trees decades later or plant one today. You may even tug a seedling in a container if you don't have enough space. 


It is a teachable opportunity to nurture a native tree with your children. Like the magnificent American chestnuts, the ash trees were once abundant in this land. Now invasive beetles have threatened the trees’ existence. All are battling with the beetles for the trees.

Planting more ash trees may increase the chance of their survival. One day, an EAB (beetle) resistant ash tree may be found somewhere and change the landscape of Eastern North America.

How Hundredfold Plants Are Grown:

The purposes of our nursery business is to foster native species conversations rather than profit-generation. Thus you may find hard-to-find native plants available in our shop at reasonable prices. We have adopted the traditional farming methods also known as organic farming.

Stuff we never use: growth hormone, chemicals including herbicide, pesticide & fertilizer,  and plastic film

Stuff we use: natural compost & mulch, and potting mix