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Hundredfold Canada

Wild Pink Swamp Rose 20 Flower Seeds - Rosa palustris, Marsh Rose, Ontario Native, Attract Birds & Bees

Regular price $4.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.99 USD
  • A true Canadian native, seeds originated from Southern Ontario
  • The flowers attract native honeybees, and the fruits attract songbirds
  • Each package contains 20 open-pollinated seeds that are packed and shipped from Ontario
  • Hundredfold for sustainable growth: A trusted Canada-based brand since 2017
  • Photos are taken in our Toronto trial garden. The last image shows a mockingbird munching rose hips
  • Put on a show year-round with fresh green leaves, rosy flowers, beautiful fall color, and red rose hips contrasting the white snow

Also known as marsh rose, swamp rose is a Canadian native. Its pink flowers are fragrant and showy. No hybrid rose can produce such an authentic rose fragrance. Because it tolerates the heat and the cold, it is ideal for a carefree perennial garden.

Swamp rose was once abundant in Southern Ontario. However, due to industrialization and invasive species, this wild rose is now hard to find. Planting a native plant is beneficial to both wildlife and vegetation restoration. It is also a great pleasure for any gardener.