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Hundredfold Canada

Hundredfold Common Camas Flower 20 Seeds - Camassia Quamash Swamp Sego British Columbia Native Food Staple, Produce Camass Edible Bulbs and Showy Blue Flowers

Regular price $5.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.49 USD
  • Elk, deer & moose reportedly graze the plant in early spring
  • Bulb favored by indigenous peoples for food
  • Note that like many native ephemeral, germination is often poor
  • Seedlings take 3-4 years to flower
  • It is a product of seeds, not bulbs.


Considered among the easiest of and showiest of native bulbs, Camass goes dormant and should then have less water, but not fully dry soil. It is a keystone species of the Garry oak ecosystem in the Pacific Northwest. Camass meadow is a major component of the Oak Savannah.