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Hundredfold Canada

Hundredfold Beneficial Insects Mix (Bee, Butterfly, Moth, Ladybug and More) 10 Grams Cover Crop Seeds - Non-GMO Untreated Flower Seeds, Cover 100 Sq Ft, for Lawn, Food Plot, Yard, Orchard or Cropland

Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.99 USD

Seeds include the variety of Baby Blue Eyes, Bergamot, Bishop's Flower, Black-Eyed Susan, Orange California Poppy, Candytuft, Cilantro, Dill, dwarf cosmos, fennel, Gayfeather, globe gilia, Indian blanket, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, rockcress, Alaska Shasta Daisy, siberian wallflower, and Sweet Alyssum.

Designed to attract beneficial bugs to one’s land, this flower seed mix can greatly improve the health of grazing pastures, orchards, food plots or grass lawns.