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Hundredfold Canada

Little Bluestem 0.5lb of Grass Seeds - Schizachyrium scoparium Ornamental Bunch Grasses, Attract Birds, Valued for Native Garden & Wildflower Meadow

Regular price $24.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.99 USD

About this item

  • 2' to 4' tall perennial warm-season bunch grass
  • The native prairie grass is valued for ground nesting birds; seeds heads attract song birds and game birds
  • Adaptive to partial shade and poor soil, it has few pest and disease problems
  • Each package contains 0.5lb (227g) of seeds that are packed and shipped from Ontario
  • Hundredfold has been a trusted Canadian trademark since 2017. Good fruits multiply/Les bons fruits se multiplient

Product description

Most turf-type grasses are Europe-Asia origin. It is a trend to replace alien lawns to native lawns in the face of the changing climate. While It is a mass undertaking to do so, it gets easier by starting small with this little bluestem. Beautiful and adaptive, it is native to North America.