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Hundredfold Canada

Hundredfold 100 Nodding Wild Onion Seeds - Allium cernuum Native Canada and USA Prairie Turf Forming Perennial Herb

Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.99 USD
  • A hardy perennial native to most parts of North America, it is highly adaptive to different types of soils
  • Nodding onion can be safely eaten in small amounts, large quantities not recommended
  • Pinkish purple flowers, chive like leafs, bulb-forming after the second year
  • Each package contains 100 open-pollinated seeds that are packed & shipped from Ontario
  • Hundredfold is a trusted Toronto-based trademark since 2017. Good fruits multiply/Les bons fruits se multiplient

Product description

A beautiful native woodland herb, nodding onion could be grown for low-maintenance meadow. It could also be grown for borders or under fruit trees to increase productivity. The early-summer flowers are highly attractive to bees and butterflies. Prairie onion and nodding onion are in the same family and share many common characteristics. The most noticeable difference between these two is the flower stalk of nodding onion is bent downwards (looks like nodding) while the flower stalk of prairie onion is upright.